Our Mission

The Multi-Faith Neighbors Network (MFNN) builds mutual trust and respect among faith leaders through civic engagement, authentic relationships, and honest dialogue leading to resilient, compassionate, and flourishing communities — communities that are more interconnected and resilient to hate, violence, and polarization.

Founded by Pastor Bob Roberts Jr., Imam Mohamed Magid & Rabbi David Saperstein, MFNN coordinates grassroots movements with religious leaders across various faith traditions, while never sacrificing each faith tradition's unique theological identity. Working cooperatively, even in the midst of often irreconcilable theological differences, faith leaders mobilize their congregations to serve their communities in order to model the kind of society that all of us are trying to build – one where community, cooperation, and the common good are lived out.

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Our Beliefs

Religion can be blamed for many of the conflicts throughout history. We exist to equip faith leaders as they build resilient, compassionate communities in the public square.

MFNN believes that when Pastors, Imams, Rabbis, and other religious leaders come together to build relationships and learn from each other, they become models for their own faith communities. By way of example, they remove fear and increase understanding within their own faith communities.

Multi-faith relationships allow everyone to hold onto their own beliefs while still building deep bonds with other faiths and serving their city together. Faith leaders can be a powerful, moral voice in society. Working cooperatively, they can model the very kind of society and world that all of us are trying to build – one where community, cooperation, and the common good are respected.


Our Methodology

MFNN develops grassroots movements built on mutual trust and respect among individual faith leaders, their families, their congregations, and their broader communities. The Multi-Faith Neighbors Network initiative begins at the local level, in carefully targeted cities and towns across the United States and the World, based on polling data and the willingness of faith leaders and congregations to participate in this initiative.

We work with faith leaders to mobilize their congregations to use their vocation to serve others. Whether it is in their city or around the world, people of faith should be peacemakers by doing humanitarian projects together.

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The Story of How Pastor Bob Met Imam Magid

How a Pastor and an Imam Want To Change the World Together

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The MFNN Partner Approach

The Multi-Faith Neighbors Network is an internationally recognized organization that has earned credibility among religious and governmental organizations for our work in peacemaking, bridge building, and religious freedom.


Peace & Reconciliation in Sudan: Multi-Faith Retreats

Sudan is going through a very difficult and challenging time, politically and socially. According to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Council of Churches in Sudan, the MFNN Retreat set out to address some of the polarization issues in Sudan, potentially even giving the reconciling effort another platform and opportunity for people to work together.

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We are creating a more credible, more resilient, and more loving place in communities around the globe. And making a world of difference. 

Make an impact by giving to help us continue this important work!


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