By: Pastor Bob Roberts

In my work as a pastor and church leader, I have seen firsthand the importance of building bridges between different communities. In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to break down barriers and come together. The question is – how can we build bridges and promote collaboration in our communities?


1. One of the first things I’ve learned is the importance of recognizing and celebrating the diversity of our communities. Each person has a unique story and background, and we should be intentional about learning from those differences. This means seeking out opportunities to connect with people from different backgrounds, and actively listening to their experiences and perspectives.

2. Another key aspect of building bridges is creating opportunities for collaboration and partnership. When we work together towards common goals, we can achieve so much more than when we work in isolation. I’ve seen this firsthand in my work with other faith communities and organizations, where we’ve been able to make a significant impact by joining forces. One example of this was when our church partnered with a local mosque and a synagogue to plant a community garden. This did not compromise any of their theological convictions, and helped meet a real need by providing fresh vegetables to a local feed desert. It also facilitated side-by-side working relationships between people of different faiths, who worked together in the garden and through distribution.

3. Building bridges means being willing to have difficult conversations. This means being honest about our own biases and prejudices, and being open to hearing differing viewpoints. It can be uncomfortable and even painful at times, but it’s essential if we want to truly understand and connect with one another. I remember one conversation I had with a member of my congregation who had grown up in a racist household. We had a frank conversation about the impact of those beliefs on his life and how he was actively working to unlearn those attitudes. It was a difficult conversation, but one that was necessary for both of us to grow and learn.

4. Building bridges requires a willingness to step outside of our comfort zones and take risks. This might mean reaching out to someone who seems different from us, or trying something new and unfamiliar. But when we take those risks, we open ourselves up to new experiences and opportunities for growth. One example of this was when our church decided to host a community-wide event focused on promoting multifaith dialogue and understanding. It was a big undertaking, and there were certainly some challenges along the way. But ultimately, the event was a huge success, bringing together people from a wide range of backgrounds and faiths to learn from and connect with one another.


Building bridges and promoting common good in our communities is a critical task in today’s world. It requires recognizing and celebrating diversity, seeking out opportunities for collaboration and partnership, being willing to have difficult conversations, and taking risks. As we work towards these goals, I believe we can create stronger, more connected communities that reflect the fullness of God’s love and grace.