“Multi-faith” is collaborative engagement across various faith traditions, not sacrificing our theological nor ideological identity. We acknowledge that–even in the midst of our significant differences–we share a common humanity, and the best of our faiths teaches us to value every person and to work together for the good of our communities.

Why Be Involved?

It’s a lot of work; you already are overloaded, and don’t have the time. Why should you add another project to your plate and get involved in multi-faith work? Simple – it’s worth it. Multi-faith work can transform you, your congregation, our cities, and our world.

  • You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge.

    There are unique challenges we face as clergy that few understand except for other clergy. MFNN provides Rabbis with the space and resources to create genuine friendships with Pastors and Imams that can grow your rabbinate in many ways. Having a multi-faith network to call for support, exchange ideas with, and learn from is incredibly rewarding.

  • Multi-faith work can transform your congregation.

    Congregants relish in the chance to share their faith with others and opportunities to meet others with different perspectives in safe spaces. And being a congregation that engages in multi-faith work is seen as a positive by most prospective members and will ultimately grow your congregation as well.

  • Multi-faith work can transform our cities and this world.

    When we work together to solve the problems of our cities through a faith-based lens, we can accomplish so much. From supporting one another during times of tragedy to lifting vulnerable populations out of poverty together, MFNN congregations have a real lasting impact on the cities that they serve, and ultimately, our world.

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Scripture Support

Below is some scripture that supports the multi-faith efforts to build strong communities.

  • You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen. Love your fellow as yourself: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 19:18)
  • You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. (Deuteronomy 10:19)
  • Therefore, Adam the first man was created alone, to teach you the importance of maintaining peace among people, so that one person will not say to another: My ancestor is greater than yours. (Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5)
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Rabbi Eli Freedman

Hear from a fellow Rabbi

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Global Impact

Discover the impact of multi-faith relationships on the global stage.

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Multi-Faith in Action

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Upcoming Events

What's the Difference?

Multi-Faith vs Interfaith

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Next Steps for Rabbis

  • How to get involved

    We would love for you to take the next step in getting connected with the Multi-Faith Neighbors Network. Here are three ways that you can get involved:

    1. Fill out below form to connect with us
    2. Get introduced to your local area triad
    3. Conversation with a regional or city leader for next steps

Connect With Us

Are you interested in learning more? Or want to reach out to get connected in a city near you? Fill out this form and we will get you connected!